Thursday, March 26, 2020

Advice from a long-lost journal

There it was, a journal from years back when I had discovered the power of writing through turmoil. My son had died and I had bottled-up emotions, wild thoughts, and just enough anger to propel me into the pages of a notebook with flowers on the cover.

Later I shared the impact writing had on me for clarity and calm when I taught writing workshops:

“Just write. Just find a word and let it be the one to write about. Or find two and string them together.” That was what I told my classes, my students. “A word might come to you in a song or conversation. Take its hand and start. No one has to see what you write in your notebook. You don’t have to read your work. You don’t have to share it with anyone. It is not like the only cookie or the last cookie in the jar and you have to let those around the table have a nibble. This is your work. This belongs to you alone.

“It is your lifeline, your therapy. And it is cheap. It will comfort you, your own words will heal you. Just keep writing and don’t let go. Write until your hand cramps and if you haven’t finished getting it all out there, write with that cramp. Keep unloading, the paper can handle it. Your heart has been carrying the heavy ache for so long, share it with the pages. Nothing is too hard or heavy for a piece of paper to absorb.”

In this season of COVID-19 when your emotions might be flying around the rooms of your house as you practice social distancing and stay at home procedures, make friends with a journal and a pen. Just start with a word and keep going. As they say at Outback Steakhouse---No rules, just right!

What does journaling do for you?

*Gives you a safe place to write your thoughts
*Allows you to unleash your hurts, worries, and fears
*Teaches you about yourself
*Shows you how you handle your joys and woes
*Helps you solve many of your problems

For more inspiration, check out this writing video created for me. Turn up your speakers; this video is made to inspire.

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