Monday, October 29, 2012

Book Review: Straight Pipes

Devotions for bikers---I wasn't sure whether or not it was appropriate to laugh. I imagined a bunch of burly men and women tearing through a town, tossing beer cans as they sped. I guess I never associated these being the types that would stop to pray or ask God for wisdom. (I know, I do have my stereotypes.)

As I read Straight Pipes: Devotions for Bikers by Barbara Ann Derkson, I decided that it was okay to laugh at myself, and in the process pause to enjoy the richness of her words. With clear explanations and in an easy-to-read style, Barbara gives insight into many biblical passages we might have once glossed over. This devotional has words of wisdom for us all. One paragraph that spoke volumes to me is: "Has God called you to a place where your encouragement is needed? Look around. It won’t take long for you to find a hurting soul or someone floundering in their faith. Are your doors open? Can people call you when they need a word of encouragement or prayer?"

Yes, I thought, may I never be too consumed with myself to seek ways to reach others through a word of encouragement.

Barbara's devotional can be ordered here. Pick up a copy today!

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